Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fourth of July

Fourth of July BBQ w/ the famous Clayfu. Enjoy the photos!

Copper River Salmon stuffed with stuff.

USDA Prime ribeyes

Turkey burgers! Go great w/ sauce from Chik Fil-A.

Hors d'œuvre. XYZ? with watercress and one lip-smackingly good sweet sauce.

Potatoes before roasting. I heart sweet blue ones.

Huge black tiger prawns. Photo does not do them justice.


Great company, great wine, great food. Couldn't ask for a better Fourth.


Indirect Heat said...

That salmon looks fantastic.

Indirect Heat said...

That salmon looks fantastic.

Indirect Heat said...

That salmon looks fantastic.

Indirect Heat said...

Whoops, the internet seems to have given me a stutter. My apologies.

joanh said...

mm.. though blue potatoes and purple yams kind of scare me.

Charlie Fu said...

it looks a lot better than it tasted! haha. sigh...

caninecologne said...

i would have loved the blue potatoes and purple yams!

Stacy said...

i love colorful veggies!

You totally need to go to Rock Bottom. Especially given you are such a beer fan, I must insist that you try it immediately! But seriously, I don't even like beer that much and I really loved all the beer they had. I totally need another excuse to go!